It's so hard to keep up in here now that the sun is shining. I feel like we went straight from winter to summer as far as temperatures go. It's been 70's-80s and is supposed to be in the 90s this week. It hasn't rained in days.
I mangaged to get some of the verbena, petunias, and the snapdragons in the ground. I still have to plant the passionflowers, bronze fennel, and catnip. The catnip my brother gave to me yesterday when I went down to visit for mother's day. I also got the two semi-dwarf cherries planted. They are too close together but it will do for now. I needed to get them in the ground. I threw some parsely, cilantro, and some other kind of seeds out for the butterfly garden. I still need to get some of the other seeds out. Oh, and the lilies for the butterfly garden.... still need to get those in the ground.
The roses are blooming. Mine are old-fashioned kind that look like the wild ones. Who knows, the way my yard looks, they may be wild ones. The irises are still blooming. I've had to stake a couple of them. The heavy winds during all that rain knocked them over.
Right now, the butterfly garden looks like a hodge-podge affair. Hopefully that will change.
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